The Ultimate Vegan Snack Hack

Prep 30 Days of Super Boosted Snacks in just 90 Minutes

It's time to harness the power of Snacks!!!

Snacks are the most underutilised tool you have in your kids feeding toolkit!

You often tell our kids to stop eating snacks so they don't fill up before dinner….

But what if those snacks your kids love to eat so much were actually the healthiest things they were eating each day, and dinnertime was just an optional extra? 

And better yet, what if it only took 90 minutes to make enough of those healthy snacks for a full month?


We're doing things fast and easy!

In the Ultimate Vegan Snack Hack, I don’t just give you a bunch of healthy snack recipes. I’ve put together a step by step plan that will mean you have 30 days of Super Boosted Snack Recipes prepped, cooked and in the freezer in just 90 minutes.

Just Imagine...

You go to scrape your daughter’s dinner plate in the bin and realise there’s hardly anything left!

Dinner was actually relaxed and easy tonight, because your kids happily ate it all.

Sure, it was just their favourite pasta and sauce, but you’re not worried because you know they got all the iron and protein they needed from their favourite snacks today.

So it was ok for dinner to just be easy.

A Healthy Diet for Your Kids CAN be Easy!

You no longer spend dinnertime pleading with your kids to take just 3 more bites - their snacks alone are so packed full of nutrition, these days dinner is basically just an afterthought as they wind down to bed. 

You no longer try to decipher the dubious nutrition claims on supermarket foods - is 2% of pumpkin seeds really going to make such a difference? These days you know your kids’ snacks are packed FULL of pumpkin seeds, wholegrains and a whole lot more good stuff!

Your kids are happy and full of energy (the good kind of energy - not the hyper bouncing off the walls stuff!) because they’re finally actually getting all the iron, zinc and protein that they need!

You no longer find yourself racing between cafes while you’re out to find the only available vegan snack option when your kids suddenly decide they’re going to die of hunger in minutes. You have a bunch of super boosted snacks right in your handbag ready to go. Yep, you’ve suddenly become the organised mum! 

But you also don’t spend hours slaving away in the kitchen to make all those snacks. If you’d known how truly easy it was to have your kids’ snacks organised, you’d have done this years ago!

What's Inside?

Here's what you'll get lifetime access to when you sign up!


Why Snacks Are Your Secret Weapon

I’ll teach you why nutrient boosted snacks really are the key to getting your kids eating a healthy diet overall, and how focusing on healthy snacks will actually have your kids eating healthier food for all of their meals


Make Snacks FAST

You’re a busy mum, so you don’t have time to be spending hours in the kitchen. So I’m going to teach you my tips and tricks to super speed up your snack making game. Yep, this is how we get that snack making time down to just 90 minutes


How to Freeze Anything!

There’s no point making all these snacks if your kids just eat the lot the minute they’re out of the oven! Or if they sit out on the bench and go stale!

I’ll teach you how to freeze them all so they’ll be tasty for the full month!


3 Months of Snack Batching Plans

  • Fully customisable snack plans, including snack recipes that give your kids over half their daily nutrition needs per day
  • Full Shopping Lists
  • Prep and Cooking Instructions so you can have a month of snacks cooked, in the freezer and even the washing up done in just 90 minutes!


Super Boosted Snack Recipes

Access to over 100 Super Nutrient Boosted Snack vegan snack recipes

Your kids are going to LOVE these recipes!

With over 100 Super Boosted Snacks, there’s something for everyone! Inside, you'll find:

  • Muesli Bars
  • Muffins
  • Protein Balls
  • Cookies
  • Dips
  • Crackers
  • Smoothies
  • Patties
  • Puddings
  • Cakes
  • And more!


Are the recipes nut free?

These recipes are not nut free. If you're after nut free recipes, please check out my Vegan Lunchbox Vault.

Are the recipes gluten free?

I provide a guide inside which teaches you how to make each of the recipes gluten free. If you’re after gluten free plans please send me an email to and I’ll be happy to look into it for you.

What if my kids don’t like the recipes in the plans?

The plans are fully customisable, so you can swap out any of the recipes for one of the 100 recipes in the recipe index.

How Long Do I Get Access?

When you sign up, you get lifetime access to the snack plans, recipes and course content.

Can I make the recipes for multiple kids?

Yes, you can customise the number of serves for each recipe in the plans.

I'm Gen, a certified vegan nutritionist, and mum to 2 boys who are 7 and 11.

My boys are both neurodiverse, and fussy eaters - but in very different ways (of course!). So I've been coming up with ways of working with fussy eaters for 11 years now!

Rather than making huge changes all at once, I like teaching people how to make small, achievable changes to their kids eating habits, that have powerful and long lasting consequences. Like their snacks! I can't wait for you to see the ripple effect that comes from this one simple change!

I hope you love the Ultimate Vegan Snack Hack!


Your Next Month of Snacks Fully Prepped in Just 90 Minutes

Whether you’re a brand new vegan, or a seasoned pro, the Vegan Snack Hack gives you everything you need to have super boosted, healthy snacks prepped every month for your kids, in less time than it took Barbie to sort out the Patriarchy!

Let's Make Your Kids' Snacks Easy!

3 months of Super Boosted Snack Plans

100 Vegan Snack Recipes

Full Nutrition Breakdowns

Prep and Freezer Guides

Just $67

(or 3 monthly payments of $23)

Payment Plan